International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE) is a scholarly online, open access, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary and fully refereed journal focusing on theories, methods and applications in Electrical Engineering, Electronics Engineering and Data Communication . It is an international scientific journal that aims to contribute to the constant scientific research and training, so as to promote research in the field of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
IJIEEE welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. For this purpose we would like to ask you to contribute your excellent papers in computer sciences and relevant fields. To submit your manuscript please visits online submission of our website. I hope you find this journal informative and useful. Your comments will help us to improve the quality and content of the journal.
Online Paper Submission
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Topic Coverage
The journal invites original research and review papers from all areas under the broad spectrum of Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Data Communications with focus on the following domains:
Power Engineering:
Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Power Electronics, Power Quality, Power Economic, FACTS, Renewable Energy, Electric Traction, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Electrical Engineering Materials, High Voltage Insulation Technologies, High Voltage Apparatuses, Lightning Detection and Protection, Power System Analysis, SCADA, Electrical Measurements.
Control and Computer Systems:
Optimal, Robust and Adaptive Controls, Non Linear and Stochastic Controls, Modeling and Identification, Robotics, Image Based Control, Hybrid and Switching Control, Process Optimization and Scheduling, Control and Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligent and Expert System, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Network, Complex Adaptive Systems.
Microelectronic System, Electronic Materials, Design and Implementation of Application Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), System-on-a-Chip (SoC) and Electronic Instrumentation Using CAD Tools.
Telecommunication Engineering:
Antenna and Wave Propagation, Modulation and Signal Processing for Telecommunication, Wireless and Mobile Communications, Information Theory and Coding, Communication Electronics and Microwave, Radar Imaging, Distributed Platform, Communication Network and Systems, Telematics Services, Security Network, and Radio Communication.