Paper Title
Fault Location: Classification and Detection of Extra High Voltage Transmission Line in Myanmar by Using Artificial Neutral Network Application
This paper presents an implemented methodology for Fault Classifier and Fault Location occurring on a double
circuit Transmission lines in Myanmar using Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The proposed algorithm uses the voltage and
current signals of each section measured to detect and classify of faults. ANN has the ability to classify the nonlinear
relationship between measured signals by identifying different patterns of the associated signals. The adaptive protection
scheme based on application of ANN is tested for various faults, fault resistance and fault inception angle. An improved
performance is experienced once the neural network is trained adequately, gives the accurate results when faced with
different system parameters and conditions. The entire test results clearly show that the fault is detected and classified within
one cycle; thus the proposed adaptive protection technique is well suited for teed transmission circuit fault detection and
classification. The proposed neural network-based module can improve the performance of conventional fault section
Keywords–Transmission line, Fault detector, Fault locator, Fault classifier, Artificial Neural Networks.