Paper Title
Computational Fluid Dynamics And Vibration Analysis Of Hybrid Composite Aircraft Wing

The current trend in aircraft design is to increase the proportion of fibre composites in the structures. Since many primary parts also are constructed using metals, the number of metal-composite structures is increasing. Such structures have traditionally often been avoided as an option because of the lack of methodology to handle the mismatch between the material properties. From the design point of view, it is a challenge to construct a weight optimal hybrid structure with the right material in the right place. With a growing number of hybrid structures, these problems need to be addressed. The purpose of the current research is to assess the strength, durability and thermo mechanical behavior of a hybrid composite aluminum wing structure by testing and analysis. The work performed in this paper focuses on the analysis part of the research and is divided into two parts. In the first part, the theoretical framework and the background are outlined. Significant material properties, aircraft specification aspects and the modeling framework are discussed. In the second part the profile is modeled in detail using the software. Further analysis was done using finite element analysis software and the results are incorporated. Keywords- Fibre composites structures; metal-composite structures; Carbon Fibre and Aramid Fibre; aluminium - carbon fibre; Aluminium - aramid fibre; Vibration analysis; CFD analysis;