Paper Title
TCR Compensator: Simulation And Design By Using Neural Network And Pi Controller
Topology for reactive power compensation of dynamic load in closed loop is presented. To improve the power
quality reactive power compensation is required. To compensate the reactive power Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR) is
used. This paper presents a control of TCR by using PI Controller and Neural Network (NN). The scheme consists of a
Thyristor Controlled Reactor (TCR).Firing angle range of TCR is selected in such a way that harmonics produced by it are
within the safe range. Proposed topology allows stepless reactive power compensation of dynamic load in closed loop.
Simulation results by using both PI and NN shows that the presented scheme can achieve reactive power compensation in
cycle by cycle basis.
Index Terms—Thyristor Controlled Reactor(TCR),TCR Reactive power(Qacrual),Set Point Reactive Power(Qref).