Paper Title
A Novel Direct Control Strategy For An IPM Synchronous Generator Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine Using Hysteresis Controller With A Boost Converter
In this paper we are proposing a novel direct control strategy for an interior permanent magnet (IPM) synchronous
generator based variable speed wind turbine using hysteresis controller with a boost converter. In this process, current
controllers are eliminated as all the calculations are done using a hysteresis controller with boost converter control strategy in
the stator reference frame. These processes possess advantages such as low cost, lesser parameter dependence and reduced
number of controllers compared with the traditional indirect vector control scheme. The direct control scheme is simpler and
can eliminate some of the drawbacks of traditional indirect vector control scheme. The proposed control scheme is
implemented in MATLAB/SimPower Systems and the results shows that the ripples in actual speed is been reduced with an
integration of boost converter with six pulse switching of converters.
Index terms- Direct Control, Interior Permanent Magnet (Ipm) Synchronous Generator, Variable Speed Wind Turbine.