Paper Title
Vibronic Stabilization Under The External Applied Fields
The relationships between the vibronic and Jahn–Teller stabilization energies, and the Joule’s heats, as a function
of the external applied electric field, originating from the second- and first-order processes in the vibronic interactions,
respectively, are discussed. According to our calculations, a phonon emitted by an electron is received by the same electron,
and as a consequence of this nondissipative phonon exchange between two electronic states with opposite momentum and
spins, this independent one electron is stabilized in energy. This is the vibronic and Jahn–Teller stabilization energies
originating from the second-order processes. On the other hand, in the first-order processes, a phonon emitted dissipatively
by an electron is not absorbed by any electron. This is the origin of the electrical resistivity and Joule’s heats. The well-
known fundamental theorem in physics and chemistry can be naturally explained by our one-electron theory.
Keywords- First-Order Processes; Nondissipative Phonon; Second-First-Order Processes; Vibronic Interactions