Paper Title
State of Art Paper on Restoration of Power Distribution Network and its Enhancement using Integrated Microgrid Resources with Artificial Intelligence Technology Approach
Abstract - Major blackouts are caused by a variety of initiating events by natural disasters. The power outages that occur due to natural disasters greatly affect the power distribution network. Natural disasters result in extensive interruptions and a lack of service to end-use consumers in electrical distribution networks. The restoration process will take one week to fifteen days sometimes months for grid recovery. During this period, the power must be supplied at least for basic needs. For this purpose, an integrated micro-grid resource plays a crucial role. Many engineering disciplines, such as the electrical power industry, education, and research organizations, use real-time digital control techniques extensively. The numerous real-time digital control strategies for power restoration in the distribution network are discussed in this study. The proposed approaches use a supervisory control algorithm developed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques and integrated microgrid resources to improve the power distribution network's restoration capabilities.
Keywords - Blackouts, Natural Disasters, power distribution network, Integrated Micro Grids, AI Technique.