Paper Title
Paper on Android Controlled Arduino based Robot Car
The aim of our project is to design a Mobile Remote Control RoboCar. The working is based on Android OS,
Arduino micro-controller, motor drivers,a Bluetooth module. Arduino is an open-source prototyping platform. This is a very
simple remote control car, with an Arduino and Bluetooth module. The idea is to first code the entire working using our
previous knowledge of programming. The code will then be simulated on software and later be interfaced with the hardware.
The controlling remote can be any smart device with android. All the controls of the vehicle will be on the app on that
device. We chose this for our major project as robotics has become a major part of our everyday lifestyle and also have a
wide scope in the engineering field. It plays a vital role in the development of new technology.
Keywords - Bluetooth, Smart phone, App controlling car, motors, BotCar, Vehicle, batteries, Mobile controlling car