Paper Title
Design & Development of Smart LPG Leakage and Fire Detecting Monitoring System with Alert Notification
Liquefied Petroleum Gas leakage and explosions are often reported in newspapers. These accidents generally
occur early in the morning because of the gas leakage that happened through the night in a household with reasons ranging
from leaving the regulator valve open or rodents aggravating the damage to the tube made from rubber. Even other
commercial buildings like hotels, restaurants, schools are also prone to these accidents. The proposed work aims at designing
a smart, low energy, low cost system that detects the changes in the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) concentration with
periodic monitoring in real time and immediately sends an alert to the user in case of a sudden increase in concentration
through an email and an SMS alert in mobile phone. In case of a fire because of LPG leakage another sensor is employed to
detect it and a message would be sent to the user for a call to fire department. This system doesn’t monitors regularly but
periodically to save energy by going into sleep mode occasionally. This system will reduce the frequency of the LPG leakage
related accidents and ensure safety of life and property while using domestic cooking gas.
Keywords- Liquid petroleum gas, Sensor, Fire, Raspberry Pi, Wi-Fi.